
Outcomes Framework

During 2021-22, Brunelcare commissioned the development of an outcomes framework.

This Framework focuses on what outcomes Brunelcare is seeking to achieve for customers across the Charity and track the impact that the services provided by Brunelcare have on the quality of life and wellbeing of people receiving care, support and housing services.

This Framework was developed with the external support of Housing LIN (Learning & Improvement Network) and the oversight of the Charity’s Performance, Quality and Experience Committee. The Outcomes Framework was approved by the Brunelcare Board in June 2021.

The Outcomes Framework includes twelve statements grouped according to Brunelcare’s strategic aims:

A Place to Call Home

  • I have a place to live I am proud to call my home.
  • I have a home in which I feel safe and secure.
  • I have a home that gives me long term stability.
  • I feel financially comfortable living in a Brunelcare property.
  • I have a home where I am warm and comfortable.

The Right Care and Support

  • Receiving care and support from Brunelcare enables me to live an independent life.
  • I feel healthier and happier due to the care and support I receive.
  • I feel that my dignity and privacy are always respected when I receive care and support.
  • I have peace of mind knowing I will be cared for should my needs change.
  • I feel reassured knowing there is always support and assistance when I need it (either in person or via telecare)

A Good Quality of Life in the Community

  • Brunelcare helps me to feel safe and welcome in my local community.
  • Living in a Brunelcare property enables me to have the social life I want.

The Outcomes Framework is embedded within everything the Charity does. Going forward the Framework will be used to drive the roll-out and embedding of our Together with Customers Charter and related activities.