
Brunelcare nurse awarded presitigious Queen's Nurse title

29th Nov 2022 - Written by Brunelcare

Reading time: 3 minutes

Teresa Chinn MBE RN QN, Nursing & Care Homes Support Manager at Brunelcare, became the first Queen’s Nurse at Brunelcare after being awarded the title in November 2022.

The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) is a registered charity promoting excellent nursing care through a national network of Queen’s Nurses. The charity is believed to be the oldest nursing charity in the world, with origins traced as far back as 1887.

Each year, the QNI provides the opportunity for nurses with 5+ years of experience working in community settings to earn the title of Queen’s Nurse (QN) by demonstrating a high level of commitment to patient care and nursing practice.

We spoke to Teresa about what it means to receive her new title, the application process, and why becoming a Queen’s Nurse is so important.

Why did you apply for the title of Queen’s Nurse?

I applied to become a Queen’s Nurse as there aren’t many QNs who work in social care, and I wanted to change that. If I can do it, then we can encourage other nurses within Brunelcare to do it too.

We have so many outstanding nurses within Brunelcare, and it would be a lovely way to celebrate what they do.

What was the application process like?

The application process involves a series of questions that allow you to demonstrate your commitment to nursing. You get to discuss what you do and what nursing means to you, and share your vision for the development of community nursing. I completed my application over a couple of months, starting in June and submitting it in August.

My application included references from four people I have worked closely with, who were all really supportive of the process and my goal to become a Queen’s Nurse.

How did you find out that you had achieved the title?

I received an email from the QNI in October to say that I had been awarded the title of Queen’s Nurse. When I found out, I was so pleased – I’d put so much hard work into it, and others had put so much work into it on my behalf, so to receive the title was rewarding. I was smiling most of the day!

I attended a ceremony on Monday 28th November to receive my title.

What are the benefits of becoming a Queen’s Nurse?

Alongside the formal recognition of my commitment to nursing, becoming a Queen’s Nurse gives me access to supportive networks and people. I get to attend free developmental programmes throughout the year, which is really great.

There are lots of learning and leadership opportunities that come from being a QN, and I am invited to attend the Queen’s Nurse annual meeting.

What does being a Queen’s Nurse mean to you?

It means an awful lot to me because I’ve known lots of QNs, and they’re always the most amazing nurses. They’re real doers, and they are definitely people I’ve looked up to in my career, so to be awarded the same title is phenomenal.

It also comes with a sense of responsibility; I wrote in my application that it’s not just about putting QN at the end of my name, but about being a visible role model. There’s a sense of responsibility to be the person that other people look up to.

Becoming a Queen’s Nurse for me is the start of a journey rather than the end of it, as it’s a fantastic opportunity to really raise the profile of what we do at Brunelcare and across social care.

Sandra Payne MBE RN, Director of Nursing & Care Services, said: “I am so pleased that Teresa has been recognised and accredited as a Queen’s Nurse. Teresa is a dedicated Registered Nurse who is passionate about Social Care and to have a QN on our team, working across Brunelcare is amazing.”

Find out more about the Queen’s Nurse programme.

Teresa Chinn holding her Queen's Nurse badge at the ceremony.

A Queen's Nurse badge next to a name tag that reads "Teresa Chinn: Queen's Nurse".